Aug 15, 2024 - 08:45 AM
The hole size for your rivet nut is detailed in this catalog. Each rivet nut requires a different hole size. Also, the style of the rivet nut can require a different style of holes, such as a regular round hole for a typical round-body rivet nut, a hex hole for a hexagonal-shaped body rivet nut, and a countersunk hole for rivet nuts that have a countersunk head.
The hole size is very important to dial into, as it helps facilitate the strongest, most secure connection for a properly installed rivet nut. A hole that is too tight or a hole that is too loose can negatively affect rivet performance into the future.
It is best to consult the catalog for the exact size; however, a good starting point would be to use a caliper to measure the diameter of the rivnut, and then drill a hole size that is a few thousandths larger than that rivnut body.